的分布式架构,今天我们来看一下其中相关的核心类是怎么工作的,我们还是先从Master 开始,Master 是用来接收用户控制的JMeter
Engine, 它接收 GUI 和 NoneGUI 两种运行模式,我们先来看一下 JMete.java
里面是怎么处理分布式模式的, 看一下start
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| else if (parser.getArgumentById(SERVER_OPT) != null) { try { RemoteJMeterEngineImpl.startServer(RmiUtils.getRmiRegistryPort()); startOptionalServers(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Server failed to start: "+ex); log.error("Giving up, as server failed with:", ex); throw ex; }
参数的时候,表示我们要启动一个Slave Server
, 实际启动的工作是交给RemoteJMeterEngineImpl
RemoteJMeterEngineImpl 这个类实现了RemoteJMeterEngine
接口继承自 Remote
接口,我们知道在 RMI
通信框架里提供的 Remote
接口,就是用来声明继承这个接口的interface 定义的方法是用来远程调用的,RemoteJMeterEngine 定义的接口和JMeterEngine
,例如在 JMeterEngine 里定义的叫 configure
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| public interface RemoteJMeterEngine extends Remote { void rconfigure(HashTree testTree, String host, File jmxBase, String scriptName) throws RemoteException;
void rrunTest() throws RemoteException, JMeterEngineException;
void rstopTest(boolean now) throws RemoteException;
void rreset() throws RemoteException;
void rsetProperties(HashMap<String,String> p) throws RemoteException;
void rexit() throws RemoteException; }
我们在来看 RemoteJMeterEngineImpl 的实现,首先在上次的分析中谈过,真正的执行逻辑是通过在内部自带的一个 JMeterEngine
来实现,可以理解为一个 JMeter Slave 就是一个不提供外部交互interface, 只允许通过 RMI 协议来访问的特殊 JMeter, 它自身的处理逻辑就是一个标准的 JMeterEngine
, 我们简单看一个 RemoteJMeterEngine
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| @Override public void rexit() throws RemoteException { log.info("Exiting"); Thread et = new Thread(() -> { log.info("Stopping the backing engine"); backingEngine.exit(); }); et.setDaemon(false); Registry reg = LocateRegistry.getRegistry( RmiUtils.getRmiHost().getHostName(), this.rmiRegistryPort, RmiUtils.createClientSocketFactory()); try { reg.unbind(JMETER_ENGINE_RMI_NAME); } catch (NotBoundException e) { log.warn("{} is not bound", JMETER_ENGINE_RMI_NAME, e); } log.info("Unbound from registry"); JMeterUtils.helpGC(); et.start(); }
- 启动一个线程,调用 StandardJMeterEngine 自身的方法
来关闭 JMeter , 然后把自己从 RMI Service 中注销掉 reg.unbind(JMETER_ENGINE_RMI_NAME);
刚刚谈了 Slave 的运行逻辑,再来看看 Master JMeter 怎么工作的,Master 在整个 RMI 通信框架中实际是一个 Client, 我们先还是从用户入口代码来看,看一下 JMeter 的 runNonGui
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| java.util.StringTokenizer st = new java.util.StringTokenizer(remoteHostsString, ","); List<String> hosts = new LinkedList<>(); while (st.hasMoreElements()) { hosts.add((String) st.nextElement()); } DistributedRunner distributedRunner=new DistributedRunner(this.remoteProps); distributedRunner.setStdout(System.out); distributedRunner.setStdErr(System.err); distributedRunner.init(hosts, clonedTree); engines.addAll(distributedRunner.getEngines()); distributedRunner.start();
这里创建了一个 DistributeRunner ,看起来是一个 远程调用的 stub ,先看一下 distributedRunner.init
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| while (idx < addrs.size()) { String address = addrs.get(idx); println("Configuring remote engine: " + address); JMeterEngine engine = getClientEngine(address.trim(), tree); if (engine != null) { engines.put(address, engine); addrs.remove(address); } else { println("Failed to configure " + address); idx++; } }
它接收输入的多组Slave 的IP 和 Port ,然后会创建对应的(1:1)的 ClientJMeterEngine,并保存在 engines
的时候,是通过内部调用其自身的 start(List<String> addresses)
并通过RMI Call来调用Slave 来运行测试
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| public void start(List<String> addresses) { println("Starting remote engines"); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); println("Starting the test @ " + new Date(now) + " (" + now + ")"); for (String address : addresses) { try { if (engines.containsKey(address)) { engines.get(address).runTest(); } else { log.warn(HOST_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE, address); } } catch (IllegalStateException | JMeterEngineException e) { JMeterUtils.reportErrorToUser(e.getMessage(), JMeterUtils.getResString("remote_error_starting")); } } println("Remote engines have been started"); }
接口的实现,但是内部是一个RMI Client。首先是在构造函数的时候来创建一个RMI Client
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| Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry( host, port, RmiUtils.createClientSocketFactory()); Remote remobj = registry.lookup(name); if (remobj instanceof RemoteJMeterEngine){ final RemoteJMeterEngine rje = (RemoteJMeterEngine) remobj; if (remobj instanceof RemoteObject){ RemoteObject robj = (RemoteObject) remobj; System.out.println("Using remote object: "+robj.getRef().remoteToString()); } return rje; }
方法,其实就是通过 RMI Client 来调用远程的方法
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| @Override public void stopTest(boolean now) { log.info("About to {} remote test on {}", now ? "stop" : "shutdown", hostAndPort); try { remote.rstopTest(now); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("", ex); } }